Written by: Tina Bickel
Age Range: 6 years +
Page Count: 95
What to expect: An adorable story of when a loving family decides to promote their furry, four-legged son to a big brother! Promotions are always happy right?! WRONG!
Chester is the love of his mom, dad, and brother's life! How much better can life get?! I mean he gets all the love and attention from everyone that walks through the door. However, one day he hears his humans talking about getting another... dog?! That couldn't possibly be true. How could he share his family, house, and life with another dog?! Chester is not thrilled with his brother Diesel, but when an unexpected event prevents Diesel from coming home, Chester makes a very important decision on whether to keep Diesel or not.
An easy read, that is both exciting and intriguing, for children of any age! A story that describes the thoughts of what an only child, or in this case, bulldogge, thinks when they learn they will be a big sibling. Not only does the story teach a lesson, give everyone a chance, but I absolutely love how the story is told in the perspective of Chester, a character you wouldn't think could tell a story. It should be on a bookshelf in every elementary school!
I would give this book 5/5 Warrior Stars!