Written by: Shaun C. Tyson Illustrated by: Simon C. Tyson Age Range: 6 years+ Page Count: 32
What to expect: A story that has an important message for any reader, especially children, with a fun, imaginative spin!
Biscuit and Gravy loved their fieldtrip to the fire station, especially what they learned from the Fire Marshal and firefighter. Little did they know, once they got home, they were going to actually have to 'use' everything they learned, to put out their very own Fire Monster! Did they pay close enough attention and become superheroes just like those they met earlier that day?!
I enjoyed this book as it took a very serious topic and put a child's spin on it. Anxiety in children is real and often times when these children are taught such a scary topic, it can sometimes lead to negative thoughts about that topic. The book was written and illustrated with fun, child friendly characters, and a story that although believable, not scary. In the end, children remember the fire safety rules, not a scary story!
I would give this book 4/5 Warrior Stars!